Full-Day Live Workshop
Data-based Methods for Interconnected Systems:
Theory and Algorithms
IFAC World Congress 2020
Date: July
11, 2020
Berlin, Germany
Koch - University of Stuttgart, Germany
Maria Prandini - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Motivation and objectives
systems becoming more and more complex and interconnected, obtaining a
suitable mathematical model from first principles becomes a time-consuming, challenging or
almost impossible task. At the same time, data are often readily available or
can be easily collected.
underlying idea of data-based methods is hence to let the data speak and
exploit directly the information hidden in data for analysis and design
workshop will comprise recent advances and developments, and new data-based
approaches to cope with interconnected systems as found in a wide range of
highly relevant problems in nature, engineering as well as societal
structures. In a data-based setting, such interconnected systems introduce
challenges like the need to get information on the single subsystems as well
as the interconnection structure through appropriate sensing and excitation
actions, or to adopt distributed strategies so as to obtain scalable solution
in terms of communication and computation effort and preserve privacy of
locally available data, addressing security and resilience issues.
workshop will expose attendees to cutting edge research in the field, with an
eye on both theory and algorithmic solutions, providing insight on the
challenges of contemporary interest in the field of data-based methods for
systems and control applications and on promising directions of research.
will help students new to the field to get a glance on the relevant issues.
It will also encourage collaborations between researchers on further
theoretical and algorithmic developments in the field.
The live
workshop is organized in sessions of two presentations each (1 on modeling, 2
on design, including control and optimization, and 1 on analysis), followed
by a Q&A part.
A brief motivating
introduction starts the workshop, and some concluding remarks are given at
the end.

Slides of the
talks can be downloaded here.
Abstracts of the
talks and cv of organizers and speakers can be download here.
Target audience and prerequisites
workshop aims at attracting graduate students and researchers with an
interest in data-based methods for systems and control applications, with a
special focus on interconnected systems, to get them exposed to the
fundamentals, and to point out recent advances and open research directions
in the field. The target audience also includes researchers that are more
inclined towards algorithmic than to theoretical aspects. Emphasis will be
given on illustrating the potential of applying the theoretical approaches to
challenges in relevant application sectors.
The topic of the
workshop is quite broad, however, there are no particular prerequisites for
attendees, and any graduate level control engineer should be able to benefit
from attending, not only grasping the main concepts but also achieving some
deep level of understanding. It would be beneficial, however, if attendees
have a strong mathematical background, possibly being familiar with control and
systems theory. Attendees from other disciplines than control (e.g., computer
science, operations research, robotics) are also qualified to attend the
workshop, since the talks are expected to be self-contained, introducing the
necessary prerequisites.
For any
questions, please refer to the workshop organizers Anne Koch and Maria